St Mary’s Church Annual Meeting 2022

Sunday 24 April 2022
11:30 to 12:30

St Mary’s Church Annual Meeting 2022 11.30am Sunday 24th April in the Millennium Hall

1. 2022 Election of Church Wardens

2. 2022 Annual Parochial Church Meeting including: a. Election of 2 Deanery Synod reps (1year); 6 PCC reps (3 for 3years & 3 for 1 year). b. Presentation of reports and accounts for the year ended 31st December 2021.

All are invited to attend, and it is hoped the meetings will be completed in about an hour.

Tatsfield residents are entitled to vote at the election(s) of church wardens. Voting at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting(s) is restricted to St Mary’s Church Electoral Roll members. For details of standing for election please contact Steve Tatler Parish Administrator via

Millennium Hall