The Parish Magazine is published for the village by the Magazine Committee under the authority of Tatsfield Church
Parish Magazine for September 2024
Click/tap the cover picture to download it
A plea for help from Tatsfield Parish Magazine! Please donate if you can to keep the magazine running.
Like everything the costs of producing the monthly magazine that gets distributed FREE to every household in Tatsfield & appears here, have increased massively over the last few months. So much so, that if we don't act now, we won't be able to publish in the future!
As well as costs going up, donations from villagers have gone down, and now just 5% of households donate currently (Thank you, if that's you!!)
We hope you agree, the magazine is vital to villagers and the local organisations alike, to keep everyone up to date with what's going on in the village. Not everyone is on Facebook, so it keeps those people in touch too.
So, if you normally donate but haven't recently, or you didn't even know it was a thing but can spare a little cash, we've made it really easy via a Crowdfunder page.
Alternatively you can make a donation by a direct bank transfer, and our bank details are
as follows: Tatsfield Parish Magazine; Account 84841084; Sort Code 09-01-54.
Or, you can make a cheque out to: Tatsfield Parish Magazine and send it to
The Treasurer, Mrs M Langford, 20 Shipfield Close, Tatsfield, Westerham TN16 2AU.
Please give what you can and we look forward to keeping the village up to date via the magazine for many years to come.
Back issues of the Parish Magazine can be obtained by following these instructions:
1. Copy and paste the following link into your browser address bar:
2. Replace the yyyy-mm with the year and month you require. Please retain the hyphen between yyyy and mm.
3. Click/tap or hit Enter.
The Parish Magazine will then be downloaded. If it doesn't open automatically, click/tap the download link to open it.
If this doesn't work, try copying & pasting the following link:
& follow the instructions above.
Most of the old magazines online go back to 2014, although a very small number of them do not display correctly and you may be taken to the Tatsfield Helpline page. If you find this is the case, please email and a correction will be made.
Alternatively, you can email where a printed back copy may also be available to you.
The Tatsfield Parish Magazine is published monthly, except in January and August.
Contributions, including suitable letters, are welcomed from village residents and organisations but we reserve all editorial rights.
If possible these contributions should be sent as Word documents attached to an email to: Alternatively they may be posted to: Tatsfield Parish Magazine, The Rectory, Ricketts Hill Road, Tatsfield, Westerham, TN16 2NA.
Organisations must include contact details in their submission, which will be published. We welcome letters commenting on items in previous issues or on anything else. Anonymous submissions will not be accepted.
The copy date for the Magazine is normally 16th of the preceding month, except for July/Aug and Jan/Feb double issues.
The Magazine is delivered free to every household in Tatsfield and to some Titsey households, local businesses and local libraries.
Adverts are arranged annually and run from April to March and can also be found on the Village Website under the Businesses webpage. Enquiries should go to the Advertising Manager via email to Small ads are only accepted from Tatsfield and Titsey residents (no trade adverts) and are free (if possible, limited to 10 words).
Loose inserts are accepted and must be booked and approved at least one month in advance of insertion.
Editors: | Tracey Syrett and Tara Barry | | |
Chairman: | Interregnum | ||
Treasurer: | Madie Langford | 01959 577114 | |
Advertising Manager: | Sarah Tait | | |
Distribution Managers: | Jim and Ruth Yeeles | 01959 577489 | |