



Aims of WI:  The WI has an unrivalled reputation as a voice of reason, integrity and intelligence on issues that matter to women and their communities. We also campaign on a wide range of social and environmental justice issues concerning women both at home and abroad. Ending violence against women, environmental sustainability and food farming are some of the issues on the WI’s campaign agenda.


When we meet: 1st Tuesday of each month at 2.15pm for 2.30pm
Where we meet: WI Hall,
29 Paynesfield Road, Tatsfield. TN16 2AT

Meeting Outline: At most meetings we begin with a speaker for approx. one hour on a variety of subjects - recent speakers include Local History, Work of a Magistrate, Paintings - an hour of delight; to name just a few.

We then break for coffee and general chat which is followed by the business part of the meeting when we discuss future plans, reports from District, West Kent Federation and National Federations of WI’s.


If you are interested in coming along to any of our meetings please contact me and I will give you all the details."
Susan Smale,
01959 577660


Wednesday morning Pop-In in the WI Hall.

  • Do you ever fancy somewhere to pop in for a coffee and chat between 10 and 12am on a Wednesday?
  • Do you look after your grandchildren and need somewhere different to take them on a Wednesday morning?
  • Are you a parent with a toddler and just need to ‘get out’ for an hour?
  • Are you new to the village and want to find out what is going on?
  • Well behaved dogs welcome too, on the way home from your morning walk.

You do not really need a special reason - just come along and say Hello.

Tea/coffee and a biscuit 50p - you will be very welcome.


Craft Afternoons

Some of us meet up on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1.30pm in the WI Hall to share craft skills, make cards and learn new techniques. Beginners very welcome. Just phone for more information – Sue: 01959 577660, Pat: 01959 577684

 Whist Drives

On the last Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm (January to November). It doesn’t matter if you have never played., We have people on hand to explain what to do and it is not difficult! We break for tea and biscuits half way through.